Ordeal Information
Congratulations on your election or nomination to the Order of the Arrow! To become a member of Scouting’s National Honor Society, you must first complete the Ordeal. Any OA Candidate may attend any Ordeal weekend. This page will help you be prepared for your ordeal.
What is the Ordeal?
You have been elected as a candidate for OA membership. To become a member, you must complete a weekend campout called the Ordeal (within 18 months of your election). The Ordeal is a chance for you to look inwards through service. Despite the unusual name, I can promise that you’ll have a fulfilling experience with friends you’ll enjoy.
Where is the Ordeal?
The Ordeal Is held at Camp La-No-Che
41940 Boy Scout Rd Paisley, Florida 32767
Please Arrive: Friday, 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm
*February ordeal: Arrive Saturday 7:30 pm
Check-in will be at W.T. Bland Dining Hall
Departure will be on Sunday at TBA
Link to Camp La-No-Che:
How Can I Prepare?
Before the Ordeal begins it may be a good idea to prepare for your upcoming weekend
Become familiar with the camp map and consider printing out the Camp La-No-Che Map
Please refer to the Ordeal Packing List when packing your bag for the weekend.
- This list is mainly for the day pack but please review it before begining packing.