Lodge News

FLOW In One Week
Hello Tipisa Lodge, Coming right around the corner is FLOW (Florida Origins Weekend), formerly known as TNAW. Just in a few days between 3/28-3/30 at Camp La-No-Che. I ask of you brothers to please sign up, and staff. If you choose to staff, included in your event...
Fall Fellowship
Fall Fellowship begins today. To assist in your arrival, the event passport can be accessed by clicking the button above. The passport includes the campsite assignments, weekend schedule, and other general information.When you arrive, please check in at the W.T. Bland...
Post Section Conference
At Section Conference, Tipisa took home several awards:
1st in Inductions
1st in Tug-O-War
2nd in Best All Around Lodge
Spring Nimat
Section Conference Preparation
Every participant MUST present a properly completed BSA Medical (Part A & B) upon check-in at the Section Conference. Youth members must have a parent signature. No form. No admittance. (See form link below, if needed.) Admission to the Section Conference...