Spring Conclave – 2025

Spring Conclave is here! This page will act as a digital passport. Updates will be posted here through the weekend as needed.

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If you experience any problems with this page please email webmaster@tipisa.org

Update 1: Sunday breakfast has been moved to 8:00 am

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Sunset: 6:30 pm

5:30 pm Check-in W.T. Bland Dining Hall
6:00 pm OA Grill Opens Outside Dining Hall
8:00 pm Pre-Show Council Ring
8:30 pm Opening Show Council Ring
9:30 pm Cracker Barrel W.T. Bland Dining Hall
10:00 pm Weekend LEC Conference Room
12:00 am Lights Out Camp Wide
Time: Activity: Location


Sunrise: 6:55 am    Sunset: 6:41 pm

8:00 am Breakfast W.T. Bland Dining Hall
Vigil Breakfast Rotary Lodge
9:00 am Morning Flags Seneff Family Plaza
9:15 am
Seminars See Seminar Matrix
Special Events See Matrix
12:00 pm
Lunch W.T. Bland Dining Hall
Silent Patch Auction
Lodge Box Opens
1:00 pm Quest Events See Quest Matrix
1:15 pm Tour de Tipisa Camp Welcome Sign
2:45 pm
Capture the Flag Sports Field
3:26 pm Tipisa Time Sports Field
4:15 pm Sink-A-Thon Lakefront
5:30 pm Closing Flag Seneff Family Plaza
6:00 pm
Dinner W.T. Bland Dining Hall
Lodge Box Opens
6:30 pm Brotherhood Hike Coggins Pavillion
7:15 pm Brotherhood Ceremony OA Ceremonies Ring
8:00 pm Pre-Show Council Ring
8:30 pm Closing Show Council Ring
9:30 pm
Cracker Barrel W.T. Bland Dining Hall
Live Patch Auction
11:00 pm Lights Out Camp Wide
Time: Activity: Location



Sunrise: 7:42 am

8:00 am Breakfast W.T. Bland Dining Hall
9:00 am Scouts Own Council Ring
9:30 am
Business Meeting Council Ring
10:00 am Clean-Up Camp Wide
Member Dismissal Camp Wide
LEC W.T. Bland Dining Hall
12:00 pm LEC Dismissal Camp Wide
Time: Activity: Location

Camp Map

Event Map

Add this map to your Google Maps mobile app by opening the map above in full screen with the button in the upper right.

Geocaching Map

Add this map to your Google Maps mobile app by opening the map above in full screen with the button in the upper right.

Campsite Assignments

Huracan 22 (Iroquois)
Kikape 25
Lemhee-Yekchi 21 (Sioux)
Micco-Tomokee 17 (Micanopy)
Nefketeh 23 (Billy Bowlegs)
Oussauna 20 (Little Bear)
Wewahitchka 24
Chapter Campsite

*If chapter cannont meet YPT requirements outlined in Chapter Camping Policies

Chapter Meal Assignments

Meal Chapter Serving Chapter Cleaning 
Friday Cracker Barrel Wewahitchka Kikape
Saturday Breakfast Huracan Nefketeh
Saturday Lunch Kikape Oussauna
Saturday Dinner Lodge Officers Wewahitchka
Saturday Cracker Barrel Lemhee-Yekchi Lemhee-Yekchi
Sunday Breakfast Micco-Tomokee Huracan

Chapters Serving 

Serving chapters are to arrive in the dining hall at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the meal.  In addition to serving, Chapters will need to provide multiple people to operate the serving line and  to take meal counts. 

If any Chapter has any questions regarding their responsibilities, they should contact the weekend  chairman. The Chapter Chief is responsible for coordinating with the kitchen staff and leading their  Chapter members. 

Chapters Cleaning 

Cleaning chapters are to stay immediately after you have finished your meal. You will need to  station multiple individuals in the kitchen taking trays at the dish station in addition to wiping down  tables and sweeping the Dining Hall. All remaining Chapter members should assist the kitchen staff  in cleaning the trays and bathrooms. If any Chapter has any questions regarding their  responsibilities, they should contact the weekend chairman. The Chapter Chief is responsible for  coordinating with the kitchen staff and leading their chapter members. 


If your Chapter is responsible for serving at a cracker-barrel, please make sure to show up ten  minutes early to begin setting out food.

Chapter Weekend Assignments

Weekend Task Chapter Responsible
Saturday Morning Flags Oussauna
Saturday Evening Flags Nefketeh
Scout’s Own Wewahitchka
Friday Night Grill Lemhee-Yekchi / Oussauna

Flag Ceremonies 

The designated chapters will provide a full color guard and will conduct the Saturday opening and  closing flag ceremonies. 

Friday Night Grill 

The assigned chapter will run the Friday Night grill.  

Scout’s Own Service 

The Chapter assigned to Scout’s Own Service will be responsible for putting together and running  the Scout’s Own Service prior to the business meeting on Sunday morning. 


The Chapter assigned to the Sink-a-Thon will be responsible for coordinating lifeguards. This  includes explaining the rules for the event and enforcing them.

Chapter Theme Assignments

Huracan Florida Keys
Kikape Grand Canyon
Lemhee-Yekchi Las Vegas
Micco-Tomokee Statue of Liberty
Nefketeh Yellowstone
Oussauna Phillips 66 Western
Wewahitchka Golden Gate Bridge
Lodge Officers Buc-ee’s
Chapter Theme

Quest for the Golden Arrow

Capture the Flag Sports Field
Licence Plate Pursuit Camp Wide
Geocaching Camp Wide
Sink-A-Thon Lakefront
Tour de Tipisa Camp Welcome Sign
Tug-Of-War Sports Field
Event Location

Capture the Flag

Sports Field

Each chapter will be given a time to protect their flag from the other chapter to win their game.

  • The game starts on command of the referee.
  • The game ends when one chapter has stolen the other’s flag.
  • Each chapter will be a separate team.
  • Each team will have a flag zone.
  • Chapters will be ranked based on time. 
  • If you are tagged by the opposing chapter while in their zone you must freeze in your place. You cannot move until someone from your chapter tags you.

Licence Plate Pursuit

Camp Wide

Each person will be given a name tag when they check in and on this nametag is a license plate. Each chapter will need to find the license plates assigned to their chapter.

  • A  list of license plate numbers will be given to chapter leaders at the Friday night LEC. 
  • Write the member name on the list that matches each license plate number.
  • The plate numbers will be randomly assigned from among all attending members.
  • The game starts once the lists are distributed.
  • The list of matching names will be surrendered to the DMV (Distinguished Member Verifier) at closing flags.
  • One point toward the overall Quest total will be awarded for each license plate found.
  • Additional points will be awarded for each of your chapter members found by another chapter.


Camp Wide

Find each geocaching site and leave your chapter mark. (Scavenger Hunt) Each location can be found above.

  • Chapters will receive cache-value points toward their overall Quest score.
  • Caches that are named a cub scout rank and the 100 years of scouting: 1 point
  • Caches that are named Scouts BSA Ranks: 2 points
  • The 3 Eagle Palm caches: 3 points



Each chapter’s Adviser and Chief are put into one canoe. Lodge leadership will also participate. In every chapter Chief is given a bucket while the Adviser steers the canoe, then it’s a race to see who will sink last. Chapters will fight to sink other chapters’ boats by filling them with water using the bucket. 

  • The game starts at the time marked on the schedule, and combat begins once the lodge chief and his adviser have been sacrificed to the Dr. Pepper Lake.
  • The game ends at the time marked on the schedule.
  • To win, you must sink all other chapters.
  • You can use your bucket to dump water in other canoes, or splash water in with your paddle.
  • You cannot empty water from your canoe by any means.
  • You cannot grab other canoes or members.

Tour de Tipisa

Camp Welcome Sign

Every chapter will prepare a bike that must be ridden around the perimeter of camp. This is a relay race, and riders will switch at one of two stops.

  • The race starts at the time marked on the schedule.
  • The game ends when the last rider crosses the finish line.
  • The team with the fastest time wins.
  • Chapters will be ranked based on completion and time of completion.
  • The race will be 3 laps
  • During each lap there will be two marked locations where chapters have the option to swap riders.
  • The rider must be swapped at least once every lap.
  • Bonus points for decorating.


Sports Field

Each chapter member grabs the rope and attempts to pull the opposing chapter, into the pot hole

  • The game starts on command of the referee.
  • The game ends when the other team is pulled fully into the pothole.
  • A bracket will decide what time you go against next
  • Teams will be evenly matched and consist of no more than 8 members.
  • Youth/young-adults are the only allowed contestants, no adults.


9:15 am  Brotherhood Counseling Tipisa History and Museum Tour  LodgeMaster 101
9:45 am
10:15 am The Rewards of Being a Lodge/Chapter Officer  OA History Tour
10:45 am Deeper understanding of Ceremonies OA Advisers
11:15 am  
Locations Coggins Pavilon OA Museum Dining Hall Chapel
Time Slots Seminars
Brotherhood Counseling Coggins Pavilion
OA History Tour OA Museum
Deeper Understanding of Ceremonies Coggins Pavilion
LodgeMaster 101 W.T. Bland Dining Hall
Advisers in the OA Franklin Chappleman Memorial Chapel
The Rewards of Being a Chapter/Lodge Officer Coggins Pavilion
Tipisa History and Mueseum Tour OA Museum
Seminar Location

Brotherhood Counseling

Williams Family Pavilion

This seminar reveals the mysteries of the Order to prepare Ordeal members to complete their Induction. It is required for Brotherhood candidates and is open to all members.

Camp La-No-Che Tour

OA Museum

This walking tour of Camp La-No-Che features rich history and fun stories from a man who tells them well.

Deeper understanding of Ceremonies

W.T. Bland Dining Hall

Discover the meaning of the tokens and symbols and discern your inner principle along the way.

LodgeMaster 101

W.T. Bland Dining Hall

This Seminar delves into working with Lodgemaster’s functions and quirks. Having a full display, internet-capable device is recommended. Topics include Checking dues, recording meeting attendance, import/export event roster, plus your questions answered.

Advisers in the OA

Franklin Cappleman Memorial Chapel

This seminar reveals how the OA fulfills the Scout Mission and the ways that advisers can create a fulfilling OA experience.

The Rewards of Being a Lodge/Chapter Officer

Williams Family Pavilion

Learn the responsibilities and rewards of each type of officer.

Tipisa History and Museum Tour

OA Museum

The museum tour will survey the history of the lodge, section, and council through patches and memorabilia.

Special Events

Kings Cup

Dining Hall Patio

Each chapter will bring a display that shows their chapter’s history. The lodge Historian will choose who has the best Display.


Conference Room

Each chapter should have a website the lodge website chair will judge and see who has the best site. Scoring information can be found at https://tipisa.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Tipisa-Website-Comp-SC25.pdf

Patch Auction (During Saturday Lunch & Cracker Barrel)

W.T. Bland Dining Hall

Bring some money to try and win. Profit goes to support the Museum and the lodge collection.

A silent patch auction will take place during lunch. During a silent auction, patches and memorabilia are displayed with a “bid sheet.” Bidders place their name and offered amount on the bid sheet and the highest bid wins. If you really want an item, be sure to check back to make sure you have the winning bid!

There’s also going to be a live auction during Saturday Cracker Barrel. this will be when the real big stuff is up for grabs, think of a classic “Do I hear $10? $20?” and see if you have a chance at winning big!