Each of us became members of the Order of the Arrow because we were chosen us as role models and leaders.  It is important that we remain members because they still need us!  As we begin 2024, now is the time to renew our membership for 2024. 

The process is easy. 

  1. Go here https://scoutingevent.com/083-79516 (or use the menu below) to pay, and a few days later*
  2. Go here https://portal.oa-bsa.org to download and print your dues card.

* Our Membership team must check the payment system then update our record in LodgeMaster.

Being a dues-paid OA member is a service to others and a benefit to ourselves.  Our dues:

  • Help support national OA programs like High Adventure, National Leadership Seminars (NLS), and the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC).
  • Help support our Council through Camperships, Program, and Friends of Scouting.
  • Fund our newsletter and, best of all, allow us to attend all OA events.